Printed T-Shirts

Printed T Shirts

Printed t shirts are all the rage with the t shirt wearing public. More printed t shirts are sold per year than plain ones and the trend does not seem like slowing down in the near future. This fashion accessory has extended to the business sector with many companies supplying their staff with printed t shirts that display the corporate identity and distributing free printed t shirts to potential customers, or as a free gift to accompany a purchase.

Promotional Choice who are based in Manchester have been supplying printed t shirts to the United Kingdom for over a decade. Over this successful period the range has grown to include both a mens and ladies range, incorporating polo shirts and rugby shirts to childrens and baby wear.

Most in our printed t shirts range are made from one hundred percent pre shrunk cotton with a seamless double needle collars. The t shirts come with taped or Lycra collars with double stitching on the sleeves and hem and are available in forty three colours. The standard printed t shirts have a screen print charge of twenty five pounds with the shirts costing four pounds ten with an order of forty eight. Sleeveless t shirts are popular for the summer months, especially with the building trade and other out door based businesses. The sleeveless are made from pre shrunk cotton and cut straight with a side seam and available in five colours.

All our printed t shirts have a female option which are cut and styled with women in mind. This means that there are many different neck and sleeve styles plus skinny fit and fitted cuts. Basic and pastel colour schemes feature in this story and sizes from extra small through to extra large.

All prices on the web site are for guidance only and are based on pack rate, so it is better practice to request a bespoke quotation form Promotional Choice. Like wise for extra, extra large and larger and additional screen printing and embroidery prices get in touch.